A struvite precipitator was used in order to create two fertilizers. The first is a solid fertilizer that is rich in phosphorus, and the second is a liquid fertilizer that contains mainly nitrogen and phosphorus.
These fertilizers are able to be harvested since the precipitator mixes the nutrients together to create both products. After adding some chemicals (magnesium chloride), the mixing allows for virtually all of the phosphorus to combine with nitrogen and magnesium to make a solid fertilizer powder that is then filtered out.
The remaining liquid urine is rich in nitrogen and potassium. This liquid is then pasteurized and run through activated carbon to remove pharmaceutical material. Both fertilizers are then able to be applied to plants.
After fertilizer application in April, our team will sample for qualitative comparisons between fertilized and unfertilized peonies. We will compare soil composition, size of peonies, length of blooms, and appearance of any harmful discolorations on the peonies.