Grady, C. P. L. Jr., G. T. Daigger, N. G. Love and C. Filipe. 2011. Biological Wastewater Treatment, 3rd Edition, Taylor and Francis Publishers.
#wastewater #wastewater treatment #nutrient removal
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
undergraduate students; graduate students; post-doctoral research associates
*corresponding or senior author
Schreiber, T., S. Opperman, K. Nace, A. N. Pallmeyer, N. Love and R. Hardin. 2020. Leveraging integrative research for inclusive innovation: urine diversion and re-use in agriculture. Elementa Science of the Anthropocene. 8:12. doi.org/10.1525/elementa.408
#urine diversion #UDF #urine derived fertilizer #participatory action research
Cohen, A. S., N. G. Love, K. K. Nace and J. Arvai. 2020. Consumers’ acceptance of agricultural fertilizers derived from diverted and recycled human urine. Environmental Science & Technology. 10.1021/acs.est.0c00576
#UDF #urine derived fertilizer #consumer acceptance
Wu, C.-C., N. G. Love, T. M. Olson*. Transmission and colonization of bacteria in activated carbon block (ACB) point-of-use (PoU) filters. Environmental Science & Technology. In review.
Admassu Abate, T., A. F. Desta, F. Assefa, N. G. Love*. The performance of an Ethiopian tannery wastewater treatment system based on chemical and microbiological water quality. Water Environment Research. In review.
Bekele, Z. A., J. Delgado Vela, C. B. Bott, N. G. Love*. 2020. Sensor-mediated granular sludge reactor for nitrogen removal and reduced aeration demand using a dilute wastewater. Water Environment Research. In press. DOI: 10.1002/wer.1296.
#granular sludge reactor #GSR #nitrogen removal #wastewater
Goetsch, H. E., N. G. Love, K. R. Wigginton*. 2020. Fate of extracellular DNA in the production of fertilizers from source-separated urine. Environmental Science & Technology.54 (3):1808-1815. DOI:10.1021/acs.est.9b04263.
#source separated urine #UDF #urine derived fertilizer #extracellular DNA
Brouwer, A. F., M. C. Eisenberg, N. G. Love, J. N. S. Eisenberg*. 2019. Phenotypic variations in persistence and infectivity between and within environmentally transmitted pathogen populations impact population-level epidemic dynamics. BMC Infectious Diseases, 19(1):449-461. DOI:10.1186/s12879-019-4054-8.
#pathogens #persistence infectivity
Daigger*, G. T., S. Sharvelle, M. Arabi, N. G. Love. 2019. Progress and Promise Transitioning to One Water/Resource Recovery Integrated Urban Water Management Systems. Journal of Environmental Engineering. 145 (10), 10 pages. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)EE.1943-7870.0001552.
#urban water systems #one water #hybrid systems #resource recovery #nutrient recovery
McFarland, A. R., L. Larsen*, K. Yeshitela, A. N. Engida and N. G. Love. 2019. Guide for using green infrastructure in urban environments for stormwater management. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 5(4):643-659. DOI:10.1039/C8EW00498F.
#green infrastructure #stormwater #stormwater management #urban
Liang, S., S. Qu, Q. T. Zhao, X. L. Zhang, G. T. Daigger, J. P. Newell, S. A. Miller, J. X. Johnson, N. G. Love, L. X. Zhang, Z. F. Yang, M. Xu*. 2019. Quantifying the urban food-energy-water nexus: The case of the Detroit Metropolitan Area. Environmental Science & Technology, 53(2):779-788. DOI:10.1021/acs.est.8b06240.
#urban #food-energy-nexus #FEW #Detroit #nitrogen removal #phosphorus #wastewater
Stadler, L. B. and N. G. Love*. 2019. Oxygen half-saturation constants for pharmaceuticals in activated sludge and microbial community activity under varied oxygen levels. Environmental Science & Technology. 53(4):1918-1927. DOI:10.1021/acs.est.8b06051.
#activated sludge #wastewater #dissolved oxygen #DO #aeration
Delgado Vela, J., G. J. Dick and N. G. Love*. 2018. Sulfide inhibition of nitrite oxidation in activated sludge depends on microbial community composition. Water Research. 138:241-249, DOI:10.1016/j.watres.2018.03.047.
#sulfide #nitrite oxidation #ammonium oxidation #activated sludge #microbial community
Byrne, B. G., S. McColm, S. P. McElmurry, P. E. Kilgore, J. Sobeck, R. Sadler, N. G. Love, M. S. Swanson*. 2018. Prevalence of infection-competent serogroup 6 Legionella pneumophila within premise plumbing in Southeast Michigan. mBio, 9(1): DOI: 10.1128/mBio.00016-18.
#Legionnaires #Legionella pneumophila #Flint #Detroit #Southeast Michigan #plumbing #public water
Zahran, S., S. P. McElmurry, P. E. Kilgore, D. Mushinski, J. Press, N. G. Love, R. C. Sadler, M. S. Swanson*. 2018. Assessment of the Legionnaires’ Disease Outbreak in Flint, Michigan. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 115(8):E1730-E1739. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1718679115.
#Legionnaires #Legionella pneumophila #Flint #Genesee County #water quality
Goetsch, H. E., L. B. Zhao, M. Gnegy, M. J. Imperiale, N. G. Love, K. R. Wigginton*. 2018. The fate of urinary tract virus BK human polyomavirus in source-separated urine. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 84(7): DOI:10.1128/AEM.02374-17.
#Human polyomaviruses #BKPyV #pathogens #infectious double-stranded DNA #dsDNA #source-separated urine
Stadler, L. B.†, J. Delgado Vela†, S. Jain, G. J. Dick, and N. G. Love*. 2017. Elucidating the impact of microbial community biodiversity on pharmaceutical biotransformation during wastewater treatment. Microbial Biotechnology, 11(6):995-1007. DOI: 10.1111/1751-7915.12870. †These authors contributed equally to this work.
#microbial community #wastewater treatment #pharmaceutical biotransformation #activated sludge
Mullen, R. A., K. R. Wigginton, A. Noe-Hays, K. Nace, N. G. Love, C. B. Bott and D. S. Aga*. 2017. Optimizing extraction and analysis of pharmaceuticals in human urine, struvite, food crops, soil, and lysimeter water by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Analytical Methods. 9(41):5952-5962.
#urine #urine derived fertilizer #UDF #struvite #pharmaceuticals #mass spectrometry
Troutman, S. C., N. Schambach, N. G. Love and B. Kerkez*. 2017. A self-calibrating framework for the sensor-driven and dynamical modeling of combined sewer systems. Water Research, 126:88-100. DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2017.08.065
Wu, C.-C., S. Ghosh, K. J. Martin, A. J. Pinto, V. J. Denef, T. M. Olson, N. G. Love*. 2017. The microbial colonization of activated carbon block point-of-use (PoU) filters with and without chlorinated phenol disinfection byproducts. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 3(5):830-843. DOI: 10.1039/C7EW00134G.
#microbial colonization #activated carbon #activated carbon block #ACB #point-of-use filters #POU filters #chlorinated phenol disinfection #
Cook, S.M., S. J. Skerlos, L. M. Raskin and N. G. Love*. 2017. A sustainability assessment tool for anaerobic digestion. Water Research. 112:19-28.
#sustainability definition #anaerobic digestion #stability assessment
Daigger*, G. T., J. Sandino, S. Murthy, N. G. Love. 2017. Transforming environmental engineering and science education, research and practice. Environmental Engineering Science, 34(1):42-50.
#Environmental Engineering and Science paradigm #EES paradigm #proactive solutions #resource recovery
Lahr, R.H., H. E. Goetsch, S. J. Haig, A. Noe-Hays, N. G. Love, D. S. Aga, C. B. Bott, B. Foxman, J. Jimenez, T. Luo, K. Nace, K. Ramadugu and K. R. Wigginton*. 2016. Urine bacterial community convergence through fertilizer production: storage, pasteurization, and struvite precipitation. Environmental Science and Technology, 50(21):11619-11626.
#source-separated urine #bacterial community #Urine pasteurization #struvite precipitation #urine derived fertilizer #UDF
Lester, Y., D. Aga, N. G. Love, R. Singh, I. Morrissey and K. Linden*. 2016. Integrative advanced oxidation and biofiltration for treating pharmaceuticals in wastewater. Water Environment Research. 88(11):1985-1993. DOI:10.2175/106143016X14504669767454
#wastewater # pharmaceuticals #advanced oxidation #biofiltration #UV treatment #biological aerated filter #BAF
Stadler, L. B. and N. G. Love*. 2016. Impact of microbial physiology and microbial community structure on pharmaceutical fate driven by dissolved oxygen concentration in nitrifying bioreactors. Water Research, 104:189-199. DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2016.08.001
#dissolved oxygen #DO #microbial community #nitrifying bioreactors #ammonia oxidizers
Keen, O., N. G. Love, D. S. Aga and K. Linden*. 2016. Biodegradability of iopromide products after UV/H2O2 advanced oxidation. Chemosphere, 144:989-994.
#iopromide #UV #H2O2 #UV/H202 #advanced oxidation process #AOP #Quantum yield #Biodegradation #Transformation products
Delgado Vela, J., L. B. Stadler, K. J. Martin, L. Raskin, C. B. Bott and N. G. Love*. 2015. Prospects for biological nitrogen removal from anaerobic effluents during mainstream wastewater treatment. Environmental Science and Technology Letters, 2(9):234-244. DOI: 10.1021/acs.estlett.5b00191.
#sulfides #hyrdocarbons #anions #nitrogen #water treatment
Muller, J. F., S. Ghosh, K. Ikuma, A. M. Stevens and N. G. Love*. 2015. Chlorinated phenol-induced physiological antibiotic resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 362(21):fnv172, DOI: 10.1093/femsle/fnv172.
#Pseudomonas aeruginosa #MexAB-OprM #antibiotic resistance #chlorinated phenols
Jimenez*, J., C. Bott, N. Love, and J. Bratby. 2015. Source separation of urine as an alternative solution to nutrient management in biological nutrient removal treatment plants. Water Environment Research. 87(12):2120-2129. DOI:10.2175/106143015X14212658613884.
#source-separated urine #wastewater #wastewater treatment #biological nutrient removal process #BNR process
Singh, R., Y. Lester, K. Linden, N. G. Love, G. Ekin Atilla-Gokcumen, D. S. Aga*. 2015. Application of metabolite profiling tools and time-of flight mass spectrometry in the identification of transformation products of iopromide and iopamidol during advanced oxidation. Environmental Science and Technology, 49(5):2983-2990.
#iopromide #iopamidol #advanced oxidation #wastewater treatment #transformation products #liquid chromatography #pharmaceutical
Stadler, L. B., L. Su, C. J. Moline, A. S. Ernstoff, D. S. Aga, and N. G. Love*. 2015. Effect of redox conditions on pharmaceutical loss during biological wastewater treatment using sequencing batch reactors. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 282:106-115. DOI/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2014.08.002
#Pharmaceuticals #Wastewater treatment #WWTP #Redox environment #Transformation product #Microaerobic #batch reactors
Smith†, A. L., L. B. Stadler†, L. Cao, N. G. Love, L. Raskin, and S. J. Skerlos*. 2014. Navigating wastewater energy recovery strategies: A life cycle comparison of anaerobic membrane bioreactor and conventional treatment systems with anaerobic digestion. Environmental Science and Technology, 48:5972-5981. DOI/10.1021/es5006169. †These authors contributed equally to this work.
#wastewater #wastewater energy recovery #anaerobic membrane reactor #AnMBR #anaerobic digestion #hydrocarbon #sludge
Syed, A. K., S. Ghosh, N. G. Love, B. R. Boles*, 2014. Triclosan promotes Staphylococcus aureus nasal colonization, mBio, 5(2):e01015-13. doi:10.1128/mBio.01015-13.
#biocide #triclosan #staphylococcus aureus #s. aureus
Orfield, Nolan D., G. A. Keoleian* and N. G. Love. 2014. A GIS-based national assessment of algal bio-oil production potential through flue gas and wastewater co-utilization. Biomass and Bioenergy, 63:76-85.
#algae #biofuel #wastewater treatment #flue gas #geographic information systems #GIS #algal #bio-oil
Clouzot, L., J.-M. Choubert, F. Cloutier, R. Goel, N. G. Love, H. Melcer, C. Ort, D. Patureau, B. G. Plósz, M. Pomiès and P. A. Vanrolleghem*. 2013. Perspectives on modeling micropollutants in wastewater treatment plants. Water Science and Technology. 68(2):448-461. DOI/10.2166/wst.2013.272.
#modeling #micropollutants #wastewater treatment plants #WWTP #ecotoxicology #micropollutant fate #removal mechanism #trace chemicals #uncertainty
Guest, J., M.C.M vanLoosdrecht, S. J. Skerlos and N.G. Love*. 2013. A lumped pathway metabolic model of organic carbon accumulation and mobilization by the alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Environmental Science and Technology, 47:3258-3267. DOI/10.1021/es304980y.
#metabolic #organic carbon #alga #chlamydomonas reinhardtii #flat panel photobioreactors #PBR
Gilmore*, K.R., A. Terada, B. F. Smets, S. Lackner, J. L. Garland, and N. G. Love. 2013. Autotrophic nitrogen removal in a membrane-aerated biofilm reactor under continuous aeration: A demonstration. Environmental Engineering and Science, 30(1):38-45. DOI: 10.1089/ees.2012.0222.
#autotrophic #nitrogen #nitrogen removal #membrane-aerated biofilm reactor #MABR #aeration
Smith, A. L., L. B. Stadler, N. G. Love, S. Skerlos, and L. Raskin*. 2012. Perspectives on anaerobic membrane bioreactor treatment of domestic wastewater: A critical review. Bioresource Technology, 122 (Special Issue, SI):149-159. DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2012.04.055
#anaerobic membrane bioreactor #anMBR #domestic wastewater #wastewater #DWW
Pinto, A.J. and N. G. Love*. 2012. Bioreactor function under perturbation scenarios is affected by interactions between bacteria and protozoa. Environmental Science and Technology, 46(14):7558-7566. DOI: 10.1021/es301220f
#bioreactor #perturbation #bacteria #protozoa #biomass #effluent
Keen, O., N. G. Love, and K. G. Linden*. 2012. The role of effluent nitrate in contaminant oxidation during UV disinfection. Water Research, 46(16):5224-5234. DOI:10.1016/j.watres.2012.06.052
#effluent #effluent nitrate #oxidation #ultraviolet #UV #ultraviolet disinfection #wastewater #wastewater treatment plant #WWTP
Keen, O. S., S. Baik, K. G. Linden*, D. S. Aga and N. G. Love. 2012. Enhanced biodegradation of carbamazepine after UV/H2O2 advanced oxidation. Environmental Science and Technology, 46:6222-6227. DOI: 10.1021/es300897u
#carbamazepine #UV #ultraviolet #UVH2O2 advanced oxidation #biodegradation #hydrogen peroxide
Cook, S. M., B. J. VanDuinen, N. G. Love and S. J. Skerlos*. 2012. Life cycle comparison of environmental emissions from three disposal options for unused pharmaceuticals. Environmental Science and Technology, 46 (10):5535-5541. DOI: 10.1021/es203987b
#life cycle comparison #life cycle assessment #environmental emissions #emissions #pharmaceuticals #disposal
R. Mesfioui, N. G. Love, D. A. Bronk, M. R. Mulholland, P. G. Hatcher*. 2012. Reactivity and chemical characterization of effluent organic nitrogen from wastewater treatment plants determined by Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry. Water Research, 46(3):622-634. DOI:10.1016/j.watres.2011.11.022
#nitrogen removal #nitrogen #effluent #wastewater treatment plant #WWTP #mass spectrometry #effluent organic nitrogen #EON
Lamp†, J. L., J. S. Guest†, S. Naha, K. A. Radavich, N. G. Love*, M. W. Ellis* and I. K. Puri. 2011. Flame synthesis of carbon nanostructures on stainless steel anodes for use in microbial fuel cells. Journal of Power Sources, 196(14):5829-5834. † These authors contributed equally to this work.
#flame synthesis #carbon #carbon nanostructures #stainless steel anodes #microbial fuel cells #Microbial #Fuel cell #Anode #Flame deposition #Carbon nanotubes #Carbon nanofibers
Khunjar, W. O., S. A. Mackintosh, J. Skotnicka-Pitak, S. Baik, D. S. Aga, N. G. Love*. 2011. Elucidating the relative roles of ammonia oxidizing and heterotrophic bacteria during the biotransformation of 17a-ethinylestradiol and trimethoprim. Environmental Science and Technology, 45(8):3605-3612.
#ammonia oxidizing #ammonia oxidizing bacterial #AOB #EE2 #estrogen #trimethoprim #TMP
Ghosh, S., C. M. Cremers, U. Jakob, and N. G. Love*. 2011. Chlorinated phenols control the expression of the multi-drug resistance efflux pump MexAB-OprM in Pseudomonas aeruginosa by activating NalC. Molecular Microbiology, 79(6):1547-1556.
#Pseudomonas aeruginosa #MexAB-OprM #NalC ligand #chlorinated phenol #triclosan
Filippino*, K. C., M. R. Mulholland, P. W. Bernhardt, G. E. Boneillo, R. E. Morse, M. Semcheski, H. Marshall, N. G. Love, Q. Roberts and D. A. Bronk. 2011. Bioavailability of effluent-derived organic nitrogen along an estuarine salinity gradient. Estuaries and Coasts. 34:269-280.
#Salinity #Nitrogen #Estuaries #Wastewater #Bioavailability #Phytoplankton #Water samples #Reactivity #Microbial ecology #Wastewater treatment
Zhao, Z., K. F. Knowlton*, N. G. Love, and J. A. Ogejo. 2011. Estrogen removal from dairy manure by pilot-scale treatment reactors. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE). 53(4):1295-1301.
#estrogen #estrogen removal #E2 #dairy manure #pilot-scale treatment reactor #dissolved oxygen #DO #dairy farm
Khunjar, W. O. and N. G. Love*. 2011. Sorption of carbamazepine, 17 a-ethinylestradiol, iopromide and trimethoprim to biomass involves interactions with exocellular polymeric substances. Chemosphere, 82:917-922, doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2010.10.046.
#Activated sludge #Microconstituents #Trace organic contaminants #Exocellular polymers #Linear free energy relationships #sorption #biomass
Ghosh, S. and N. G. Love*. 2011. Molecular diversity of algae assemblages at wastewater treatment plants. Bioresource Technology, 102: 3619-3622.
#Wastewater #Algae #rbcL #Molecular diversity #wastewater treatment plants #WTP #algae assemblages
Bronk*, D. A., Q. Roberts, E. Canuel, P. Hatcher, R. Mesfioui, K. C. Filippino, M. R. Mulholland, and N. G. Love. 2010. Effluent organic nitrogen (EON): bioavailability, and photochemical and salinity release. Environmental Science and Technology, 44(15):5830-5835.
#Amines #Urea #Nitrogen #Bioavailability #Cations #effluent organic nitrogen #EON #salinity #N #wastewater treatment plant #WWTP
H. A. Tucker, K. F. Knowlton*, M. T. Meyer, W. O. Khunjar, and N. G. Love. 2010. Effect of diet on fecal and urinary estrogenic activity, Journal of Dairy Science, 93:2088-2094.
#estrogen #estrogenic #fecal #urine #urinary #dairy farm #phytoestrogen excretion
Aruguete*, D. M., J. S. Guest, W. W. Yu, N. G. Love and M. F. Hochella, Jr. 2010. Interaction of CdSe/CdS core-shell quantum dots and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Environmental Chemistry, 7:28-35.
#bacterial toxicity #engineered nanomaterials #inorganic nanoparticles #pseudomonas aeruginosa #core-shell quantum dots
Guest, J. S.; S. J. Skerlos, J. L. Barnard, M. B. Beck, G. T. Daigger, H. Hilger, S. J. Jackson, K. Karvazy, L. Kelly, L. Macpherson, J. R. Mihelcic, A. Pramanik, L. Raskin, M. C. M. van Loosdrecht, F. Yeh, N. G. Love*. 2009. A new planning and design paradigm to achieve sustainable resource recovery from wastewater. Environmental Science and Technology, 43(16):6126-6130.
#resource recovery #wastewater #water recovery #energy recovery #sustainability
Krometis*, L. A. H., T. A. Dillaha, N. G. Love, and S. Mostaghimi. 2009. Evaluation of a filtration/dispersion method for enumeration of particle-associated Escherichia coli. Journal of Environmental Quality, 38(3):980-986.
#filtration #dispersion method #escherichia coli #e. coli #enumeration
Skotnicka-Pitak, J., W. O. Khunjar, N. G. Love*, and D. S. Aga*. 2009. Characterization of metabolites formed during the biotransformation of 17α-ethinylestradiol by Nitrosomonas europaea in batch and continuous flow bioreactors. Environmental Science and Technology, 43 (10):3549 - 3555.
#ammonia oxidizing bacteria #Nitrosomonas europaea #EE2 #flow bioreactors #Whole cell ammonia monooxygenase #AMO
Gilmore, K. R., Little, J. C., Smets, B. F. and *Love, N. G. 2009. Oxygen Transfer in a flow-through hollow-fiber membrane biofilm reactor. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 135(9):806-814.
#oxygen #oxygen transfer #flow-through hollow-fiber membrane biofilm reactor #biofilm
Güngör, K., Müftügil, M. B., *Ogejo, J. A., Knowlton, K. F. and Love, N. G. 2009. Prefermentation of liquid dairy manure to support biological nutrient removal. Bioresource Technology, 100:2124-2129.
#Volatile fatty acid #Acetate #Propionate #Organic loading rate #Fermentation potential #dairy manure #nutrient removal
Zhao, Z., Fang, Y., Love, N. G. and *Knowlton, K. F. 2009. Biochemical and biological assays of endocrine disrupting compounds in various manure matrices. Chemosphere, 74:551-555.
#Dairy manure #Extraction methods #Estrogen bioassay #Estrogen ELISA #E2 #enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
*Zhang, Y., Love, N. G. and Edwards, M. 2009. Nitrification in drinking water systems. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 39(3):153-208.
#nitrifying bacteria #water distribution systems #Nitrosomonas #AOB #NOB #nitrification control #chloramines
DeBusk, J. A., *Arogo Ogejo, J., Knowlton, K. F., and Love, N. G. 2008. Chemical phosphorus removal for separated flushed dairy manure. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 24(4):499-506.
#phosphorus #phosphorus removal #dairy manure #manure #Chemical treatment #Alum #Ferric chloride #Polymer
*Soupir, M.L., S. Mostaghimi, and N.G. Love. 2008. A method to partition between attached and unattached E. coli in runoff from agricultural lands. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 44(6):1591-1599.
#e.coli #runoff #microbial partitioning #nonpoint source pollution #agricultural lands #agriculture
Carrico, B., *DiGiano, F. A., Love, N. G., Vikesland, P., Fiss, M., Zaklikowski, A., Chandran, K. 2008. Effectiveness of disinfectant switching for control of nitrification. JAWWA, 100(10):104-115.
#disinfection #disinfection byproducts #chloramines #disinfection residuals #surveys #nitrification #nitrogen #Ammonia‐oxidizing bacteria #AOB #trihalomethane #TTHM
Kozarek, J. L., *Wolfe, M. L., Love, N. G., and Knowlton, K. F. 2008. Sorption of estrogens to three agricultural soils from Virginia, USA. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) 51(5):1591-1597.
#sorption #estrogen #E2 #soil #agriculture #runoff
Chandran, K. and *Love, N. G. 2008. Physiological state, growth mode, and oxidative stress play a role in Cd(II)-mediated inhibition of Nitrosomonas europaea 19718. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 74(8):2447-2453.
#physiological growth state #stress #inhibition #specific oxygen uptake rate #sOUR #Nitrosomonas europaea
Mutuc, M. D. M., Love, N. G. and *Vikesland, P. J. 2008. Surface catalyzed fenton treatment of bis(2-chloroethyl) ether and bis(2-chloroethoxy) methane. Chemosphere, 70:1390-1398.
#BCEE #BCEM #Hydroxyl radical #Hydrogen peroxide #methane #fenton treatment
Pinto, A., Guest, J. S., *Love. N. G., Shaw, A., Fairey, A. W., Iler, P. L., Earle, J. K. Shallenbarger, D., and Barker, D. 2007. Testing toxic shock event response protocols for nutrient removal systems. Water Practice 1(5): doi: 10.2175/193317707X256973.
Henriques, I. D. S. and *Love, N. G. 2007. The role of extracellular polymeric substances in the toxicity response of activated sludge bacteria to chemical toxins. Water Research 41:4177-4185.
#extracellular polymeric substance #EPS #toxicity #activated sludge #toxins
Henriques, I.D.S., Kelly, R. T. II, Dauphinais, J. L. and *Love, N. G. 2007. Activated sludge inhibition by chemical stressors – a comprehensive study. Water Environment Research 79(9):940-951. (Recipient of Rudolf’s Industrial Waste Management Medal, WEF)
#Chemical oxygen demand #Activated sludge #Biomass #Cadmium #Toxins #Respiration, #Cyanides #Toxicity #Ammonia #Solubility
Kelly, R. T. II and *Love, N. G. 2007. Ultraviolet spectrophotometric determination of nitrate: detecting nitrification rates and inhibition. Water Environment Research 79(7):808-812.
#ultraviolet #ultraviolet spectrophotometric #UV #nitrate #nitrification #inhibition nitrate generation rates #NGRs
Henriques, I. D. S., Aga, D. S., Mendes, P. and *Love, N. G. 2007. Metabolic footprinting: A new approach to identify physiological changes in complex microbial communities upon exposure to toxic chemicals. Environmental Science and Technology 41(11):3945-3951.
#metabolic footprinting #microbial communities #toxic #Nanoelectromechanical systems
Muller, J. F., Stevens, A. M., Craig, J. and *Love, N. G. 2007. Transcriptome analysis reveals multi-drug efflux genes upregulated to protect Pseudomonas aeruginosa from pentachlorophenol stress. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 73(14):4550-4558.
#Pseudomonas aeruginosa #pentachlorophenol #PCP #transcriptome #genetic #genes
Yi, T., *Harper, W. F. Jr., Holbrook, R. D. Jr., and Love, N. G. 2006. The role of particle characteristics and ammonium monooxygenase in removal of 17 a-ethinyl estradiol in bioreactors. ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering 132(11):1527-1529.
#soprtion #biodegradation #bioreactors #ammonium monooxygenase #estrogen #EE2 #membrane bioreactor #MBR
*Rittmann, B. E., Haunser, M., Loeffler, F., Love, N. G., Muyzer, G., Okabe, S., Oerther, D., Peccia, J., Raskin, L., and Wagner, M. 2006. A vista for microbial ecology and environmental biotechnology. Environmental Science and Technology 40(4):1096-1103.
#microbial ecology #environmental biotechnology
Leung, S.M., *Little, J.C., Holst, T. and Love, N.G. 2005. Gas/liquid mass transfer in a biological aerated filter. ASCE, Journal of Environmental Engineering, 132(2):181-189.
Holbrook, R.D., Novak, J.T. and *Love, N.G. 2005. Impact of activated sludge-derived colloidal organic carbon on behavior of estrogenic agonist recombinant yeast bioassay. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 24(11):2717-2724.
#YES bioassay #bioavailability #dose-response #collodial organic carbon #COC #activated sludge #estrogen #E2
Henriques, I.D.S., *Holbrook, R.D., Kelly, R.T. and Love, N.G. 2005. The impact of floc size on respiration inhibition by soluble toxicants – a comparative investigation. Water Research, 39(12):2559-2568.
#floc size #respiration inhibition #soluble toxicants #activated sludge #membrane bioreactor #MBR #full-scale activated sludge #FSAS
*Knowlton, K.F., Love, N.G., and Parsons, C.M. 2005. Effect of dietary phosphorus and mechanical separation on dairy manure characteristics. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers (ASAE), 48(3):1252-1258.
#lactating cows #Manure treatment #Research-scale manure separation #phosphorus
Gillam, D. E., *Bishop, P. L., and Love, N. G. 2005. A study of glutathione-gated potassium efflux in biofilms using potassium microelectrodes. Environmental Engineering Science, 22(4):489-495.
#glutathione-gated potassium efflux #GGKE #biofilms #potassium #microelectrodes
*Holbrook, R. D., Higgins, M. J., Murthy, S. N., Fonseca, A. D., Fleischer, E. J., Daigger, G. T., Grizzard, T. J., Love, N. G., Novak, J. T. 2004. Impact of alum addition on the performance of submerged membranes for wastewater treatment. Water Environment Research, 76(7):2699-2702.
#Fouling #Polysaccharides #Bioreactors #Activated sludge #Wastewater treatment #WWTP #Wastewater #Phosphorus #Organic materials #Particle size distribution
Holbrook, R. D., Love, N. G. and *Novak, J. T. 2004. Investigation of sorption behavior between pyrene and colloidal organic carbon from activated sludge processes. Environmental Science and Technology, 38(19):4987-4994.
#sorption #pyrene #colloidal organic carbon #activated sludge #COC #full-scale activated sludge system #FSAS #membrane bioreactor #MBR
Holbrook, R. D., Love, N. G. and *Novak, J. T. 2004. Sorption of 17ß-estradiol and 17α-ethinylestradiol by colloidal organic carbon derived from biological wastewater treatment systems. Environmental Science and Technology, 38(12):3322-3329.
#estrogen #E2 #EE2 #Impurities #sorption #water treatment #colloidal organic compound #wastewater treatment #WWTP
Bott, C. B. and *Love, N. G. 2004. Implicating the glutathione-gated potassium efflux system as a cause of electrophile-induced activated sludge deflocculation. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 70(9):5569-5578.
#GGKE #glutathione-gated potassium efflux #electrophile #activated sludge #deflocculation
Wimmer, R. F. and *Love, N. G. 2004. Activated sludge deflocculation in response to chlorine addition: the potassium connection. Water Environment Research, 76(3):213-219.
#activated sludge #deflocculation #chlorine #potassium #Turbidity #Escherichia coli #Solubility #Wastewater #Chlorination #Aeration
Kelly II, R. T., Henriques, I. D. S. and *Love, N. G. 2004. Chemical inhibition of nitrification in activated sludge. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 85(6):683-694.
#nitrification #nitrate #activated sludge #nitrate generation rate #NGR #CDNB
*Oerther, D. B. and Love, N. G. 2003. The value of applying molecular biology tools in environmental engineering: academic and industry perspective in the U.S.A., Re/Views in Environmental Science and Bio/Technology, 2(1):1-8.
#molecular biology #environmental engineering #career development #standardized tools #teaching
Holbrook, R. D., Love, N. G. and *Novak, J. T. 2003. Biological wastewater treatment and estrogenic endocrine disrupting compounds: The importance of colloidal organic carbon. Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management (ASCE), October:289-296.
#wastewater #wastewater treatment #estrogen #estrogenic endocrine #colloidal organic carbon #E2 #EE2 #COC
Fouratt, M. A., Rhodes, J. A., Smithers, C. M., Love, N. G. and *Stevens, A. M. 2003. Application of temporal gradient gel electrophoresis to the characterization of a nitrifying bioaugmentation culture. FEMS Microbial Ecology, 43(2):277-286.
#gradient gel electrophoresis #nitrifying #nitrite #bioaugmentation culture #nitrifying bioaugmentation product #NBP
Holbrook, R. D., Novak, J. T., Grizzard, T. J., and *Love, N. G. 2002. Estrogen receptor agonist fate during wastewater and biosolids treatment processes: A mass balance analysis. Environmental Science and Technology, 36(21):4533-4539.
#wastewater #wastewater treatment #WWTP #biosolids #mass balance analysis #estrogen #hexane extracts
Brauner, J. S., *Widdowson, M. A., Novak, J. T. and Love, N. G. 2002. Biodegradation of a PAH mixture by native subsurface microbiota. Bioremediation Journal, 6 (1):9-24.
#PAH #biodegradation #natural attenuation #microcosm #sulfate-reduction
Bott, C. B. and *Love, N. G. 2002. Investigating a mechanistic cause for activated sludge deflocculation in response to shock loads of toxic electrophilic chemicals. Water Environment Research, 74:306-315. (Recipient of Harrison Prescott Eddy Medal, WEF)
#Solubility #Activated sludge #Wastewater #Escherichia coli #Shock loads #Chemical hazards #Toxicity #Liquids #Potassium
Ma, G. and *Love, N. G. 2001. BTX metabolism in activated sludge under multiple redox conditions. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 127(6):509-516.
#BTX metabolism #activated sludge #redox conditions
Bott, C. B. and *Love, N. G. 2001. The immunochemical detection of stress protein expression in activated sludge exposed to toxic chemicals. Water Research, 35:91-100.
#GroEL #activated sludge #wastewater #wastewater treatment #WWTP #stress proteins
Duncan, A. J., Bott, C. B., Terlesky, K. C., and *Love, N. G. 2000. Detection of GroEL in activated sludge: a model for detection of system stress. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 30:28-32.
#GroEL #activated sludge #wastewater #wastewater treatment #WWTP #de novo protein synthesis #system stress
*Love, N. G., Smith, R. J., Gilmore, K. R., and Randall, C. W. 1999. Oxime inhibition of nitrification during treatment of an ammonia-containing industrial wastewater. Water Environment Research, 71(4):418-426.
#Nitrification #Oximes #Wastewater #Ammonia #Enzymes #Activated sludge #Industrial effluents #Wastewater treatment #WWTP #Kinetics #Mathematical constants
Lu, Y.-T., *Love, N. G., and Grady, C. P. L. Jr. 1999. Microscopic methods for distinguishing among three cell types in TOL plasmid-carrying Pseudomonas putida cultures. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 173:195-201.
#TOL plasmid #Pseudomonas putida #Plasmid curing #Plasmid instability
Bailey, E. L. and *Love, N. G. 1999. Treatment of a wastewater containing nitrification-inhibiting oximes using a single sludge nitrogen removal treatment system. Water Environment Research, 71(1):94-101.
#Oximes #Wastewater #Nitrification #Nitrates #Anaerobic conditions #Wastewater treatment #WWTP #Ammonia #Biodegradation #Nitrogen #Sulfates
*Novak, J. T., Love, N. G., Smith, M. L. and Wheeler, E. R. 1998. The impact of cationic salt addition on the settling and dewatering properties of an industrial activated sludge. Water Environment Research., 70(5):984-996.
#Wastewater #Activated sludge #Dewatering #Suspended solids #Cations #Sodium #Industrial plants #Industrial property #Wastewater treatment
*Love, N. G. and Grady, C. P. L. Jr. 1995. Impact of growth in benzoate and m-toluate liquid media on culturability of Pseudomonas putida on benzoate and m-toluate plates. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 61:3142-3144.
#Pseudomonas putida #benzoate #m-toluate
*Herendeen, R., Hegan (Love), N., and Stiles, L. 1983. Measuring energy savings using personal trend data. Energy and Buildings, 5:289-296.
#energy #energy savings #utility bill data
Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers from Conferences
*Guest, J. S., S. J. Skerlos, G. T. Daigger, J. R. E. Corbett, N. G. Love. 2010. The use of qualitative system dynamics to identify sustainability characteristics of decentralised wastewater management alternatives. Water Science and Technology, 61(6):1637-1644.
#wastewater #wastewater management #decentralized #sustainability
Gilmore, K. R., R. E. Capuno, Jr., N. G. Love, and B. F. Smets. 2006. Anaerobic stabilization of early planetary base ersatz wastewater formulation. Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Technical Paper Series 2006-01-2255. 36th International Conference on Environmental Systems, SAE, Norfolk, VA.
#anaerobic stabilization #wastewater #nitrogen #nitrogen removal #early planetary base #EPB #ersatz #chemical oxygen demand #COB
Xu, Y., Lei, G., Linares, K. A., Fleming, D. L., Meehan, K., Lu, G. Q., Love, N. G. and Love, B. J. 2005. Maximizing dye fluorescence via incorporation of metallic nanoparticles in solution. SPIE (The International Society for Optical Engineering), 5591:175-183.
#dye fluorescence #metallic nanoparticles #nanoparticles #gram-negative bacteria #potassium
Henriques, I. D. S., Kelly II, R. T. and Love, N. G. 2004. Deflocculation effects due to chemical perturbation in sequencing batch reactors. Water Science and Technology. 50(10):287-294.
#deflocculation #perturbation #sequencing batch reactor #activated sludge #glutathione-gated potassium efflux #GGKE #industrial toxin #toxic shocks
Love, N. G. and Bott, C. B. 2002. Evaluating the role of microbial stress response mechanisms in causing biological treatment system upset. Water Science and Technology. 46(1-2):11-18.
#Glutathione #GroEL #potassium efflux #source-cause-effect #stress response #microbial stress mechanism
Ma, G. and Love, N. G. 2001. Creating anoxic and microaerobic conditions in sequencing batch reactors treating volatile BTX compounds. Water Science and Technology, 42(3):275-282
#Anoxic #BTX #microaerobic #ORP #SBR #denitrification #sequencing batch reactor
Bott, C. B., Duncan, A. J. and Love, N. G. 2001. Stress protein expression in domestic activated sludge in response to xenobiotic shock loading. Water Science and Technology, 43(1):123-130.
#biological wastewater treatment #GroEL #Hsp60 #stress #protein #xenobiotic #activated sludge
Brauner, J. S., Widdowson, M. A., Novak, J. T., and Love, N. G. 1999. Intrinsic bioremediation of PAH compounds at a fuel-contaminated site. In Bioremediation Technologies for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Compounds. (Eds) Leeson, A., and Alleman, B. C. Battelle Press, Columbus, OH, 5(8):19-24.
Gilmore, K. R., Husovitz, K. J., Holst, T., and Love, N. G. 1999. Influence of organic and ammonia loading on nitrifier activity and nitrification performance for a two-stage biological aerated filter system. Water Science and Technology, 39(7):227-234.
#Biofilm #biological aerated filter #population dynamics #nitrification #competition #BAF #ammonia #nitrogen
Love, N. G., Rust, M. E., and Terlesky, K. C. 1998. Enrichment and characterization of an anaerobic methylethylketoxime-degrading culture from an anoxic/anaerobic/aerobic activated sludge sequencing batch reactor. Water Science and Technology, 37(3-4):95-98.
#Enrichment culture #MEKO #methyl ethyl ketoxime #nitrification inhibitor #oxime #activated sludge #sequencing batch reactor #SBR
Peer-Reviewed Published Reports
Hilton, S., B. Zhou , G. T. Daigger, G. Keoleian, N. G. Love, S. Skerlos. 2018. Life Cycle Assessment of Urine Diversion Wastewater Treatment: Results and Software Tool. The Water Research Foundation, STAR-Na1R14/4899.
#urine diversion #urine derived fertilizer #UDF #life cycle assessment #wastewater treatment
Wigginton, K., N. Love, R. Lahr, H. Goetsch, D. Aga, R. Mullen, A. Noe-Hays, K. Nace, C. Bott, A. Gagnon, J. Jimenez. 2017. Nutrient Recovery Through Urine Separation. Water Environment & Reuse Foundation, STAR-NTR14.
#nutrient recovery #urine #urine separation #urine derived fertilizer #UDF #pharmaceuticals #biological contaminants
Love, N. G., C. Moline, A. Ernstoff, L. Stadler, D. Aga and L. Su. 2013. Pharmaceutical Fate under Varying Redox Biological Treatment Environments. Water Environment Research Foundation Final Report U1R09.
#pharmaceuticals #redox #biological treatment environment
Skerlos, S.J., L. Raskin, N.G. Love, A.L. Smith, L.B. Stadler, and L. Cao, 2013. Challenge Projects on Low Energy Treatment Schemes for Water Reuse, Phase 1 (WateReuse-10-06D). WateReuse Research Foundation, Alexandria, Virginia.
#low energy treatment #water reuse #anaerobic membrane bioreactors #life cycle assessment
Raskin, L., S. Skerlos, N.G. Love, A.L. Smith. 2012. Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactors for Sustainable Wastewater Treatment, Water Environment Research Foundation Final Report U4R08, IWA Publishing, London, United Kingdom.
#anaerobic membrane bioreactor #sustainability #wastewater #wastewater treatment #AnMBR #domestic wastewater treatment #DWW
Ellis, M. W., N. G. Love, I. K. Puri, J. S. Guest, S. Naha, and J. L. Lamp. 2010. Development of a Microbial Fuel Cell for Sustainable Wastewater Treatment. Water Environment Research Foundation, Report No. U1R06, Alexandria, VA, 61 pages.
#microbial fuel cell #MiFC #sustainability #wastewater #wastewater treatment #carbon nanostructures #CNS
Love, N. G., A. J. Pinto, J. S. Guest, S. Hardin and A. Shaw. 2009. Determining and Assessing Corrective Action Strategies for Treatment Plants Exposed to Chemical Toxins. Water Environment Research Foundation, Report No. 04-CTS-11S, Alexandria, VA, 191 pages.
#chemical toxins #toxicity #toxins #decision support systems #DSS #wastewater #wastewater treatment plants #WWTP
Love, N. G., Henriques, I. D. S., and Kelly, R. T. II. 2005. Upset Early Warning Systems for Biological Treatment Processes: Source and Effect Relationships. Water Environment Research Foundation, Report No. 01-CTS-2. Alexandria, VA.
#early warning system #biological #biological treatment processes #nitrogen #nitrification #nitrifying biomass
Love, N. G. and Bott, C. B. 2000. A Review and Needs Survey of Upset Early Warning Devices. Water Environment Research Foundation, Report No. 99-WWF-2. Alexandria, VA.
#early warning devices #biotreatment wastewater facilities #wastewater biotreatment cultures #monitor
Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters
Love, N. G., G. Sahilu, H. A. Adejumo and S. P. McElmurry. 2018. Drinking Water Infrastructure in Shrinking and Expanding Cities: The Impact on Water Quality and Public Health. In Cascading Challenges in the Global Water Crisis, Gerard Magill, Editor. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
#water quality #public health #water infrastructure #urban #cities
Keen, O.S., N. G. Love and K. G. Linden. 2014. Nitrate Photochemistry in the Context of Water Reclamation. Pp 229-246. In Water Reclamation and Sustainability, Satinder Ahuja, Ed. Elsevier.
#nitrate #nitrate photochemistry #water reclamation #sustainability
Love, N. G., D. Bronk and M. Mulholland. 2010. Nutrients and their effects on the environment. Biological and Chemical Systems for Nutrient Removal. Water Environment Federation, Alexandria, VA.
#nutrients #environment #nutrient removal #nitrogen #phosphorus
Zhao, Z., Knowlton, K. F. and Love, N. G. 2008. Hormones in Waste from Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations. In Fate of Pharmaceuticals in the Environment and in Water Treatment Systems, D. S. Aga, Editor. CRC Press.
#hormones #waste #agriculture #animal feeding #water treatment systems #environment
Reviews, Discussions, Editorials and General Technical News Pieces
(not crticially peer reviewed)
Stadler, L. B., A. S. Ernstoff, D. S. Aga and N. G. Love. 2012. Micropollutant fate in wastewater treatment: redefining “removal”. Correspondence. Environmental Science and Technology, 46(19):10485-10486.
#micropollutant #wastewater #wastewater treatment #nutrient removal
Novak, P. J., V. S. Blazer, R. U. Halden, R. D. Klaper, D.W. Kolpin, D. Kriebel, N. G. Love, D. Martinović-Weigelt, H. B. Patisaul, S. A. Snyder, F. S. vom Saal, A. V. Weisbrod, and D. L. Swackhamer. 2011. Assess Contaminant Risk on a Global Scale. Correspondence, Nature, in press. From 2010 Wingspread (Johnson Foundation) meeting on Trace Contaminants in the Environment.
Novak, P. J., W. A. Arnold, V. S. Blazer, R. U. Halden, R. D. Klaper, D. W. Kolpin, D. Driebel, N. G. Love, D. Martinović-Weigelt, H. B. Patisaul, S. A. Snyder, F. S. vom Saal, A. V. Weisbrod and D. L. Swackhamer. 2011. On the need for a national (U.S.) research program to elucidates the potential risks to human health and the environment posed by contaminants of emerging concern. Viewpoint, in Environmental Science and Technology, in press. From 2010 Wingspread (Johnson Foundation) meeting on Trace Contaminants in the Environment.
#national research program #risk #human health #environment #contaminants
Rittmann, B. E., Love, N. G. and Siegrist, H. 2008. Making Wastewater a Sustainable Resource. Water21, April 2008:22-23.
Boltz, J.P., G.T. Daigger, J.S. Guest, D. Jenkins, N.G. Love, A.J. Schuler, R. West, and A. Wilson. 2007. Pipeline to the future: critical success factors in attracting, developing, and retaining your future water quality leaders. Water Environment Research, 79(11), 2251-2252.
#water quality #leaders #water quality leaders #infrastructure
Gilmore, K. R., A. Terada, B. F. Smets, and N. G. Love. 2007. Controlling population dynamics and nitrogen removal performance in hollow fiber membrane-aerated biofilm reactors. Newsletter of the IWA Specialist Group on Activated Sludge Populations Dynamics. May, 2007.
Love, N. G. Oerther, D. B. and Ross, B. 2005. Editorial: Evolving to Serve You Better. Water Environment Research, 77(1):3-3.
#micropollutants #treatment systems
Hughes, L.D., K. F. Knowlton, N. G. Love, A. M. Gamboni and C. M. Parsons. 2004. Wastewater treatment to reduce phosphorus losses from dairy farms. Journal of Dairy Science, 87, 470.
Holbrook, R. D., Novak, J. T., Grizzard, T. and Love, N. G. 2003. Closure to discussion of: Estrogen receptor agonist fate during wastewater and biosolids treatment processes: A mass balance analysis. Environmental Science and Technology, 37(20):4821-4822.
#estrogen receptor #wastewater #biosolids #mass balance analysis #biosolids treatment processes #Y
Novak, J. T., Higgins, M., and Love, N. G. 1999. Closure to discussion of: The effect of cationic salt addition on the settling and dewatering properties of an industrial activated sludge. Water Environment Research, 71:252-254.
#Wastewater #Activated sludge #Dewatering #Suspended solids #Cations #Sodium #Industrial plants #Industrial property #Wastewater treatment
Cowan, R.M., Love, N. G., Sock, S. and White, K. 1995. Treatment systems: activated sludge and other aerobic suspended culture processes. Water Environment Research, 67:433-450.
Lu, Y.-T. and Love, N. G. 1992. Discussion of: enhanced biodegradation of polyaromatic hydrocarbons in the activated sludge process. Water Environment Research, 64:922-923.
#Activated sludge #Salicylates #Enzymes #Hydrocarbons #Genes #Plasmids #Kinetics #Biomass production